Once the kids go back to school, the amount of time you spend in your car ususally goes up – in carpool lines, to and from extracirricular activities, running household errands and getting to appointments. As you prepare the kids for back to school, consider this car-care checklist so that your car is prepared as well.
– Check the vital under the hood: fluid levels of engine oil, coolant and transmission, brake and power steering fluid and battery (including its date)
– Check the tires for uneven tread wear, proper pressure, nails or other potential hazards
– Check the lights
– Check to see if it’s time for an oil change; check your window sticker or your handbook for vehicle manufacturers recommendations.
And while you’re at it, stock your vehicle with the essentials: first aid kit, tire pressure guage, healthy snacks, pen and paper, paper towel, rags, book or magazine, extra oil and an emergency roadside kit.